
Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Peek at Mommy's Nature Journal

Over at the Ambleside Online forums, they're chatting about nature journals for moms and asking to see sample pages.  I started my journal last year totally untrained in art and, to be honest, a little nervous to begin--my daughter gets her perfectionistic tendencies from me. ;)  But I have made a lot of progress over the last year and my journal has become a little labor of love.  More importantly, it's something I enjoy working on with my children and an opportunity to model good habits: careful observation, patience, fixing mistakes, wonder and delight over Creation.  Anyway, I thought I would join in the conversation by posting a few pages from my current nature journal here.


Now, if you would like to see lovely examples by some truly inspirational nature-artist-moms (and other non-homeschooling artists as well), please head over here:

I love looking at others' nature journals!  I feel very inspired seeing all the journaling mothers are doing with their children--whether they are professional artists, total novices, or somewhere in between like me.


  1. Wonderful work! "... an opportunity to model good habits: careful observation, patience, fixing mistakes, wonder and delight over Creation," is a great reason to continue on with the journal. I would wager it is something you will enjoy for years to come.

  2. Your drawings look amazing - I can't believe you're 'untrained in art' and only started a year ago! I'm sure your journal will be a real inspiration to your kids and to others.

  3. Celeste, these pages are beautiful. Keep going- you might end up with something like Edith Holden's book down the track!
