
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nature Study Outing - A New Spot

We tried out a new park last week that we are hoping will be a regular meeting place for us.  Upsides: native plants, large network of flat trails, quiet, shaded.  Downside: lots of dogs-walkers.  That would be a benefit for many, but my youngest son has been terrified of dogs since he was little for some reason.  That said, in between bouts of hiding behind me, he had a very good time running, running, running everywhere, so I think this spot will be a winner!

We explored only a very small portion of the park, but the highlights this time around:

A huge outcropping of rock that could be easily climbed by even the younger ones in the group...

see that sweet little girl at the very tip top?
...and a two-inch-long beetle we found alive but belly up on the trail.  Fun!  We took him back with us to the picnic tables to take a closer look.

Even the little ones joined in the nature sketching!

Oak leaves, acorn caps, woodpecker holes, turkey vultures, scrub jays--all the native sights and sounds of our area that are now so familiar to our children thanks to these weekly treks.  

Yes, I do think we'll be back!

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