
Monday, October 14, 2013

A New Week, A New Term!

We starting Term 2 here this morning.  I love a fresh start...

new copywork pages - printing and cursive

a few new books - those top two!

a new plan for map drills

new psalm, hymn, poem, folk song - these are rotated often, but we also start *all new* at the beginning of a term

a new composer and a new artist - guess who? :)

I find our term breaks and re-starts keep our year's plans from getting stale, so I love the injection of some changes at the start of each 12-week session.

I'm feeling under the weather and the baby seems to be conspiring against a smooth day, but I'm hoping for a lunchtime tea: gingerbread with cream cheese frosting is ready, and in addition to our usual music selections, we'll be listening to "Christus Vincit" and "To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King" this week in preparation for next Sunday's traditional feast of Christ the King.  I have a feeling we'll be singing one or the other at Mass that day, and the kids always like to be ready to join in. :)

More soon on our exams and our week at the beach!


  1. Oh, now I want to know who your artist is! With my small familiarity with art (thanks completely AO artist studies), I think it looks like a Dutch Baroque. I'm guessing Vermeer?

    1. Yes, Vermeer! We have done two French Impressionists in a row, so this should be a nice change of pace. :)

  2. I love the copywork pages, Celeste. Did you make those? Very nice. I have not stopped by in a while due to everything that's been going on, but, now plan on coming over more often :-) If you get a minute, come by and read my praise and thanksgiving post. Hope you are all well and enjoy your second term. Nice to see your picture too! Thank you SO much for the prayers.

    1. Hi Ann-Marie--yes, I made them with the Startwrite software. :) Thank you for stopping by! Off to read your post...
