
Monday, December 16, 2013

My "Mosts" for 2013

I always get in a bit of a reflective mood toward the end of the year, so I'm very happy to join in Sarah's link-up of "Mosts" today.

:: The post with the most clicks - Nature Study Notes :: Our Weekly Outing + Journaling Session

This is really thanks to Ambleside Online's facebook page--every time they share one of my posts, my little blog's traffic goes through the roof that day. ;)  I wrote this post to be an encouragement to other moms, and I hope that it was.

:: The post with the most commentsYoung Students and the Fairyland in Geography

On this post I got several great tips on other CM-friendly geography resources to use with early elementary students, a couple of which we're using this term!  So I'm very thankful for my readers and their willingness to share.  (Or just to say hi!  That's always nice too. ;) )

:: The post with the best picturesNature Study at the Beach tied with Nature Study at the Beach :: A Fall Visit

I certainly don't consider myself a photographer--the photos here on the blog are almost always taken with my phone. :)  BUT it's hard to take a bad picture of vistas like these!

:: The post that was the hardest to write - My "Learning Languages the Charlotte Mason Way" series:

I'm cheating here and including this whole series because I had originally envisioned this topic as a single post, part of my blogging through Volume 1 of Home Education.  But I ended up breaking it up into three (LONG) parts because there was just so much to cover.  It took me a few weeks to read through the material and condense it into something (somewhat) understandable, but it was an educationally rewarding project for me.  Still, not the easiest set of posts to write!

:: The post that was my personal favoriteWhat I Love Most About a Charlotte Mason Education

I wrote this for the Charlotte Mason blog carnival's prompt, and it was really nice to get all the things I love about this learning lifestyle out there.  It is a joy to me and I'm so happy to be able to share that.

Check out Amongst Lovely Things for many more "mosts" of the year!


  1. Love the Fairyland in Geography post -- pinned it. I have a young geography fan here, and we did a study of a number of countries last year. One of our favorite books of that study was Best Loved Folktales of the World. We did not, however, spend much time on maps and physical geography, so I want to save your resources. And I think you phone photos are lovely.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment, Pam! :)

  2. Your pictures are lovely! You take them with your phone?

    I'm enjoying myself, clicking around a bit here. Thank you for linking up! :)

    1. Thank you for visiting, Sarah, and for your comment! And yes, my phone is all my coordination--or lack thereof--can seem to manage with my littles. ;) Happy 2014!
