
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival :: Some Unconsidered Aspects of Physical Training


Hi there--welcome to the Charlotte Mason blog carnival!  I'm so excited to be hosting it here at Joyous Lessons for the very first time.  And I'm even more excited to share with you a collection of thoughtful posts from some of my favorite education blogs.  There's lots of great reading here, folks!  I don't know about you, but I'm planning to follow my usual habit: open each post in a new browser tab, grab a cup of coffee during naptime, and slowly work my way through them all.  Or is that just how I read the blog carnivals?  Anyone else? ;)  However you prefer to e-read, I'm sure you'll enjoy this line-up.

The optional theme for this week's carnival is Chapter 10 of Volume 3, which Miss Mason titled, "Some Unconsidered Aspects of Physical Training."  And "unconsidered" they seem to be--I have rarely read of this section in discussions of Charlotte Mason's philosophy. :)  Thankfully, that is the case no longer: we have a nice collection of posts on this topic to start us off.

Nebby, last carnival's hostess, revisits this section in two companion posts at Letters from Nebby:  Who Are Our Heroes? and The Virtues Acquired Through Physical Training.  I so appreciated her breakdown of Miss Mason's thoughts--so much to consider as we try to raise our children in virtue.

Amy at Fisher Academy International challenges our concept of heroism in On Raising Heroes & Physical Training.

At Touch of God on a Mother's Heart, Patti considers, among other thoughts, the connection between Miss Mason's reminder that in this section "Ye are Not Your Own" and the parable of the Ten Talents in Habits of Physical Training Useful for the Kingdom.

Joining us for the first time, Kristyn at Beracá Valley shares her thoughts on this topic as well: Some Unconsidered Aspects of Physical Training.  I couldn't help but notice that she pulls one of my favorite quotes from this chapter: "for the disciplined life has more power of fresh enjoyment than is given to the unrestrained."  So very true!

I'm also happy to welcome Amber at Flare of Light to the Charlotte Mason blog carnival.  Being a distance runner, I can relate to her journey of turning her adrenaline-junkie tendencies into good family habits: Charlotte Mason and Physical Training: A Warning for Me to Heed.

Tammy from Aut-2B-Home in Carolina talks about the physical component of habit training from a scientific perspective in Mirror Neurons and Habit Training.

And we have a wide selection of miscellaneous posts as well today, on everything from geometry to opera...

At Dewey's TreehouseMama Squirrel asks us to consider not just math or science but so much more in The Parents' Review on Geometry and Synthesis (and the argument over taking flowers apart).  

Carol at Journey-and-Destination gives us a peek at her Together Time Plans.  She discusses some resources they currently have in rotation that I'm already adding to my library queue.

Over at Sage Parnassus, Nancy shares her "Cozy Winter Reading List from Sioux Falls, SD"--lots of wonderful titles listed for all ages, and perfect for the weather lately!

Brandy at Afterthoughts quotes some wise words by Miss Mason in Wednesdays with Words :: Parents and Children.  I can so relate to the selection she shared and am determined to put it into practice.

At Harvest Moon by HandAnn shares resources for those studying the poetry of Eugene Field or the art of Vincent Van Gogh.  I especially loved reading her daughters' reactions to Field's poems!

Cindy at Our Journey Westward generously directs us to a wonderful resource page of artist studies from her home--lots of resources for those looking to beef up their art study in the new year!

Over at her Handbook of Nature Study blog, Barb gives us a look at the last of her all-four-seasons visits to Yosemite in Yosemite in Winter :: Winter Colors.  I love following along with her nature study outings and I'm sure you will too--the scenery is spectacular, and her write-ups are wonderful too.

And at Harmony Art Mom, she kicks off a series of art appreciation resources, this time focusing on Edgar Degas: Intimate Impressionist :: Edgar Degas.

Megan at The Winding Ascent shares an ode to first-born affinities and, in particular, to opera: A Tender Affliction :: How It Spread Like Mad and Infected My Children.  I take such inspiration from her writings on music, and I'm sure you will too!

At The Holistic Homeschooler, Michelle offers her experience in combining studies for her two daughters in How I Teach Multiple Ages Using the Charlotte Mason Method.

Jen from Snowfall Academy shares a series of three posts with lots of wisdom and practical tips:
I have enjoyed reading her planning posts over the last couple months, and these are no exception.

Penny writes at Our Crazy Adventures in Autismland about some habits she's working on with her children: Habit Training is Crucial.  Indeed it is!

And here at Joyous Lessons, I shared A Bit of Christmas Crafting, including some projects that would make great handicraft or art projects for little ones or big kids--or even moms too!

And that's a wrap!  Thank you so much for reading along.  I know I have found plenty of inspiration from the posts here, and I hope you have as well.

The next Charlotte Mason blog carnival will be hosted by Tammy at Aut-2-B Home in Carolina.  Check the official schedule for details on how you can submit a post.

Have a wonderful rest of the week!


  1. The line up looks great Celeste! Can't wait to read the entries.

  2. Dear Celeste,
    Thank you for your lovely work in organizing these posts for us to read! I appreciate the time and effort it took you.

  3. Thanks for hosting Celeste. Will enoy spending some time with all of these.

  4. I read the posts exactly like you do Celeste, but tea rather than coffee, LOL!

  5. This is a full carnival! Thanks for hosting this time around.

  6. Thanks for including my entry, Celeste. I'm looking forward to reading the others. That's my plan for nap time tomorrow!

  7. Good morning, Celeste! This carnival looks fabulous! I look forward to reading more.

  8. Great carnival, as always. Thanks for including my post, too.
