
Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas is a Season...

...and we are still celebrating here!  After Epiphany on Monday, we'll be back to our regular school schedule, but until then, the kids are spending their days reading the few dozens of new books that entered our home at Christmas, playing chess and checkers with Daddy, drawing and writing little stories, dressing dollies, and pushing trucks.  And after spending a couple days lying on the sofa doing crossword puzzles and snuggling with the babies, I am enjoying the extra time to get a few extra things done around the house.  But I thought I would at least check in here to say hello and share my wish that you all are having a productive restful vacation as well.

And to share photos!  A good mom always takes lots of Christmas photos, right?  (Even if she doesn't get around to editing them until the New Year has begun.  Like I said--Christmas is a season!)




I'll be back in a few days, friends!  Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

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