
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Bit of Housekeeping

Barb at the Handbook of Nature Study blog invited me to contribute to this month's e-newsletter.  The focus is Nature Journals, which you know is one of my very favorite topics. :)  If you haven't downloaded it yet, go take a look!

Speaking of nature study, I've had several email requests for my Calendar of Firsts template recently, so I uploaded it to share here.  Feel free to download Our Nature Calendar for use in your own homes--especially if you're on the West Coast, since I included images that are familiar to us locals.

A few friends have asked me to share more about how we handle memory work, so I'll be getting to that soon, including an update on how our Evernote organizational plan is working.  (Hint: we still love it!)  Toward that end, though, I finally put up a Memory Work Index, inspired by Brandy (whose own index I have referred to for ideas several times!).  It's a running log of the memory work we have been doing as a family for the past three years.  You can find it along my top menu.  Feel free to reference our list and see if there are a few you might add to your own family rotation.

I'm still reading through The Living Page, but after that, I'm hoping to dive in to Charlotte Mason's Volume 6 and blog through it very slowly over the course of the year.  By the way, you can find my Read-Alongs on the right sidebar now (scroll down to the bottom).  Last year, I read through Charlotte Mason's Volume 1 and When Children Love to Learn.

Another frequent search recently: here's what my children and I used to prepare for their First Holy Communion last year.  (I have also been sharing snippets of one of my favorite religious books for children, Mother Mary Loyola's First Communion, in my Wednesdays with Words posts as we read through it this year.  Preparing for Holy Communion needn't end with the first time--it's a lifelong process.)

Any other suggestions?  I'm directing some of my nesting energy toward tidying up around here!  (Can you believe I have only eight weeks left?!)  So let me know in the comments or via email if there's anything else you'd like to see.  


  1. Well, I am continuing to learn and get set for our (I hope!!) return to homeschool this fall, and your posts on nature study are super helpful, since this is my weakest area:) Can't wait to rejoin you guys in the field soon!

    1. We are SO looking forward to it too, my dear. :) (And can you believe I have still been doing those nature study posts almost weekly since we started them a couple years ago?! We have seriously never had a boring outing. :))

  2. Yay! A memory index!

    I love those because it is such a great place to get ideas. I look forward to browsing through yours later this week when I plan our T3 Circle Time. :)

  3. Thank so much for sharing, Celeste! I remember thinking how lovely your Calendar of Firsts was when you first posted and I am thrilled to have one for my very own:). I've been keeping the Red Mountain School on my own, but I think I will also print up yours and have the boys actively contribute more. It's nice to peruse your memory index, too. Brandy was an inspiration for me in getting that organized in our house, too. Regarding folk songs - we have been doing the same thing in terms of focusing on Americana and patriotic songs while the boys are young. Your list has given me some more ideas along those lines. Thanks for organizing and sharing!

    1. Thank you so much, Dawn! I'm happy to have you reading here. :)

  4. We both saw butterflies this week! Love your pretty and springlike.
