
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

For Ash Wednesday, a Thought and a Prayer Card

I've had The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales for Lent Given in 1622 on my shelf for years, and I embarrassingly haven't read it yet--particularly surprising since his Introduction to the Devout Life is my favorite spiritual classic.  I opened it up to read the first chapter this morning, fittingly meant for Ash Wednesday itself, but before doing so, I was struck by the beautiful dedication, a quote from the saint himself:

File:Crucifixion 019.jpg

My advice is that henceforth
we live no more in ourselves, 
but that
in heart, intention, and confidence
we lodge forever
in the pierced side of the Saviour.

I'll be trying to keep that prayer in mind through these forty days.

The children will be learning the "Stabat Mater" in Latin and English this year, so I printed out the lyrics for their binders to review during our memory work.  I also made a lyrics card for us to use together during the Stations of the Cross.  

If you'd like to add them to your own Lenten devotions, I've uploaded them to share:

Prayers for a blessed Lenten journey!

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