
Monday, April 21, 2014

{In a Week}

We had a blessed Holy Week, a lovely Easter Day, and now we have a whole octave (or season, really!) of Easter joy ahead of us!  Besides lots and lots of not-all-that-photogenic spring cleaning, here's what we were up to during Holy Week...

a birding walk at the nature center
chess, every morning, with daddy
sisters decorating...
...for a holy saturday birthday
a new car - just in time for baby #7 due in just a few weeks!
good friday - the stations of the cross...
...and hot cross buns
And my sweeties after Easter Mass:

+ Happy Easter to you and yours! +


  1. Hey, you! I like your new ride. :)

  2. The photo of your little ones in front of the van is simply adorable. What a beautiful family you have. :)

  3. Loved seeing your beautiful family - Happy Eastertide to all of you from way down south!

  4. Happy Easter! I love the picture of your children in front of the van - I'm sure that's a picture you'll look back on fondly in years to come!
