
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Keeping Sacred Time with Christina Rossetti :: Wednesday in Holy Week

During Holy Week, I'll be sharing a daily poem by Christina Rossetti. We often know her for her lovely poetry for children, but she wrote volumes of devotional poetry as well, including a series for the feasts and fasts of this week.  These are the poems I'll be sharing with my own children as we ready our home and our hearts and keep the Church's traditions.  Wishing you a blessed time as you prepare for Easter!


Man's life is death.  Yet Christ endured to live,
   Preaching and teaching, toiling to and fro,
Few men accepting what He yearned to give,
   Few men with eyes to know
   His Face, that Face of Love He stopped to show.

Man's death is life.  For Christ endured to die
   In slow unuttered weariness of pain,
A curse and an astonishment, passed by,
   Pointed at, mocked again
   By men for whom He shed His Blood--in vain?

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