
Friday, July 11, 2014

What We're Reading :: First Week of School

Charlotte Yonge's Daisy Chain (my current reading-on-the-tablet book, perfect for when I'm holding baby--I absolutely love it so far)
Laura Hillenbrand's Unbroken (recommendation from dear Angela)
Charlotte Mason's Volume 6 (I'm trying to keep up with the reading schedule over on the AO forums right now)

Vincent, age 8:
C.W. Anderson's Complete Book of Horses and Horsemanship (a birthday gift)
Burton's The Song of Robin Hood (another birthday gift, this time from Grandma--a beautiful volume)
Windeatt's The Cure of Ars (his Sunday reading)
and still making his way through the Redwall series

Gianna, age 7:
Carroll's Through the Looking Glass (she was especially intrigued by the chess references at the start--so fun)
the rest of the All-of-a-Kind Family series (re-started it as soon as she finished it last week, this time reading aloud bits to Cate)
Neumann Press' Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls Vol.1 (her Sunday reading)
Eager's Magic by the Lake (the first sequel to Half-Magic)

Cate, age 5:
Flack's Ask Mr. Bear (just checked it out for her to read on her own!)
...and BOB books.  Oh, how she loves her BOB books. :)

To the Big Kids:
MacDonald's At the Back of the North Wind and Kingsley's Water Babies (we'll be reading these two AO Y3 "free reads" slowly over the course of the whole school year)
Wilder's On the Banks of Plum Creek (on audio, read by Cherry Jones)

To the Kindergartener:
Kindergarten Gems and Leading Little Ones to Mary (both by her request)
Elliott's Common Birds and Their Songs (her choice too--we just page through and I read her the captions)

To the Littles:
the Little House picture book series (4yo Xavier's long-time favorite)
Beatrix Potter's Ginger and Pickles (2yo Bridget's current favorite--and hearing her say "Ginger and Pickles" ranks right up there with "cutest things ever")
Aliki's Welcome, Little Baby (1yo Clara's current favorite--used to be Bridget's last month, and now the obsession has passed on to little sister)

And more used-book finds:
A box in the mail and a stop at the thrift store earlier this week leaves me with a nice little haul to find shelf space for!  A peek at just a few...


  1. I can completely relate to the pile of used books! I just can't stop and now I've had to start double stacking my shelves for want of space....we're moving in a couple of months and one of my biggest wants is "more space for bookshelves" :)

    I'm not sure if I've commented before but I just love your blog and it has been beyond helpful as I've been planning my oldest's foray into AO's Y1 this year. Thank you so much for sharing what you do!

    1. Aw, thanks for reading, Cristina! I'm happy to help. :) And yes, more space for bookshelves has been high on my list every time we've moved...this time, we have quite a bit of wall space and I really didn't think I would run out of shelf space so soon!

  2. I see a few familiar titles in your pile. :-) The Ship Book is a good one. I just got At the Back of the North Wind to read aloud, too.

    1. I'm glad you like The Ship Book! I had never heard of it but bought it with my oldest son in mind, who loves non-fiction. And I love the illustrations--they remind me of Holling's. I saw that the author has one called The Castle Book too, so I'll have to see if I can track it down.

  3. We're reading At the Back of the North Wind right now too and I have Water Babies on the list for this year. We're also listening to Cherry Jones' reading of Farmer Boy. I love her style.

    I will have to look for The Song of Robin Hood. We finished Pyle's version recently and are now reading a version by Louis Slobodkin.

    I also have to find some All of a Kind Family for dd 1. I think she would enjoy those. Thanks for taking the time to share what you're reading. It's given me some good ideas!

    1. Yes, we too have really enjoyed Cherry Jones' renditions. We have been listening to them at the pacing AO recommends, about a book per year, so the series has been really drawn out...I plan on listening to her audios through the whole thing.

      The Song of Robin Hood is a treasure, especially for an older kid or a music lover. And Burton's illustrations are just so wonderful.

  4. Lovely! I recognize many of your used-book-find-treasures, too! And I'm intrigued by a couple I've not seen before - like *The Ship Book.* It was exciting to hear about *The Castle Book.* What a fantastic little group of finds!
