
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Keeping Company :: April Invitation

We have had so many great entries in March's Keeping Company link-up!  As always, thanks to all of you for sharing your Keeping with others.  If you haven't had a chance to check out the wonderful examples there, do go and take a peek.

Monthly Feature

I actually want to mention a few entries this month:

Dawn wrote a lovely post about Keeping and Keep-ability--and not Keeping too.  Very relevant as we consider the mindful attitude we do and should bring to our educational habits, as well as to our parenting.

Heather showed how various Keeping practices (including mapping, a notebooking habit I want to incorporate more!) have improved her personal studies.

And Amber discussed how she fits her own commonplace Keeping into the school day--and models it for her children at the same time.  I am thinking on her suggestions here as I consider next year's school schedule!

For this month's optional prompt

I know spring has finally sprung in most of the country, so I thought we'd talk about nature journals this month.  Let's start with children's nature journals!  (And fair warning: next month we'll focus on moms'.  So get ready! :))

Care to share a peek into your children's nature journals--current or past?  What have been some of your favorite sights recently, and how did they find their way into your sons' or daughters' Keeping?  What kinds of media do they prefer?  Do they enjoy nature journaling, or are you still working to build the family habit?  How does their personality show through in their journaling?  How have you seen their Keeping change over time?

We've been inspired by spring here, and I already shared quite a bit about my children's recent nature journaling just last week...

I hope you're similarly inspired to finish our your school year with a good bit of nature study!  And if the weather hasn't yet given you that push you need, maybe this link-up will? ;)

I'll be back here next Tuesday, April 14th, to post the link-up.  In the meantime, the March link-up will still be active until then, so feel free to continue sharing your posts there.


  1. Thank you so much, Celeste. What kind things you said.

  2. Yes, thank you for sharing my link as well, Celeste. Also thank you for providing the opportunity to see what others are doing in their homes. It's such a lovely community to be part of, so welcoming. Thank you again.

    1. I'm so glad, Heather--thank *you* for participating! :)

  3. Thanks for the link, Celeste! I'm glad it was helpful. I'm enjoying this link-up... I just wish I could find the time to read all of the posts!

    1. It is hard to keep up! So many great ideas being shared. :)

  4. My 8 year old glanced at the journal page and said, "Mom, do you know why the two wild radishes are different? Because the purple one is a first year radish and the other one is a second year radish going to seed." I don't know if he is right or not, but he'd be more likely to know than I would.

    1. Love that! And I am in the same boat you are--my kids have surpassed me in many branches of nature study knowledge. Very helpful when I don't have the field guide along! ;)
