
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Keeping Company :: November

Hi friends!  I'm here a on the second Tuesday rather than the first because last week I took a break for All Hallows Tide. (That's the three-day observance of All Hallow's Eve, All Saints' Day, and All Souls' Day -- a Holy Day surrounded on either side by a day of penance.  Whatever the form, I love liturgical triduums!)  Luckily, it's a five-Tuesday month so there are plenty of days to link up here in November.

There were wonderful submissions for October, and I'm excited to point out some of my favorites.  But first, a bit about what we've been up to...

Starting the Discussion

We had a couple chilly, rainy weekends here and my body went into hibernation mode!  I didn't feel like doing anything with my leisure time but lie on the sofa reading.  That has meant lots of catching up in my commonplace book and lots less work in my nature journal.  Is everyone else as seasonal in their keeping habits?  This is actually why I schedule my keeping: I have small personal goals so that I'm always stretching myself, just a bit, encouraging myself to grow in understanding and in practice. But I absolutely do embrace those seasonal shifts beyond that!

This week I spent most of Sunday reading Willa Cather's The Shadows on the Rock, which is a beautiful novel that I highly recommend.  (I stumbled upon this first edition hardcover in a bookstore years ago and it has been sitting on my shelf unread since then!)

I came across this relevant quote about the practice of keeping a Calendar of Firsts:

Another fun bit from our keeping this month: I did a progressive peek at my weekly nature journal entry over in my Insta-story...

I think I might do more like this now and then because it was kinda neat!

This Month's Round-Up

Some beautiful moments captured over on Instagram this month -- I especially love that fall leaves have nearly taken over the feed!

aolander - jeffsjessie - italianfarmgirl19 - athena_amidstthereeds
theycallmemommy618 - - beuniqueheather - angelaboord
ambervanderpol - vlcjrogers - sarahjokim - dove_tania




Melanie shares bits of her keeping life: notebooks, posters, pressed flowers in the window, and a mother's snapshots of her time with her children -- because that's what we do as mothers, isn't it?

I found Nancy's suggestions toward a citizenship notebook to be tremendously inspiring.  Even though I'll save the formal keeping of this nature until my kids are a tad older, her comments here affected our Plutarch discussions this past month very fruitfully.  Don't miss it!

Looking for some fall fun?  My Peace in the Puzzle is leaf stamping into nature notebooks with her littles.  (Right alongside The Iliad and Til We Have Faces -- there's a lot going on in her home!)

Lisa notes some favorite Amy Carmichael passages that are both beautiful and convicting.

Carol is always drawing such interesting connections among books she's reading, and this month is no exception: peeks at heavy-hitting commonplace entries from Chesterton, Tozer, Wallace, and Chambers.

I cheered at Gina's post: I am a CM student too.  (I am!)

And now it's your turn...

The Link-Up

:: For bloggers: Click on the "Add my link" button below, and it will prompt you to include the information for your post.  Once you submit it, your link will be added to the list, and others will be able to click over and read what you have shared.
:: For Instagrammers: Tag related photos with #KeepingCompanyCM to join the link-up.

:: Remember to link to a specific post and not to your blog's homepage. 
:: Any posts about CM-style Keeping are welcome!  The prompt is optional.  Your post can be as simple as a photo of your commonplace book.
:: Feel free to add more than one post.  The link-up will be open for a month, so you can come back and add more if you are so inclined.
:: You can grab the button over there on the sidebar if you'd like to add it to your post or site.

As always, thanks for sharing!


  1. As always, love reading through this, Celeste. So encouraging and inspiring. Great idea about working on something for a few days...I should do that, so I finish things. Bless you.

  2. Celeste, a bit off topic, but I would love to hear a Catholic's perspective of Pilgrim's Progress. Is this something I should read to my children?? They love audio CDs, so I am contemplating AO's recommendation by Orions Gate. When you have time, I would really appreciate your thoughts!

    1. Hi Nicole! I haven't done PP as an audio -- the first time through we read the original on the 2-year schedule that AO recommends, and this time through we're reading Dangerous Journey instead (in our Morning Basket), which is an abridgement that retains the original language. I think it's a fantastic option. You get the benefits of PP without the more complicated theological discourses, which are less helpful to us as Catholics anyway. ;)

      I'll share my general thoughts on including PP for a Catholic. We have chosen to include it because it has merit as a cultural touchstone, just like I would recommend that atheists have their children study Bible stories if they want to give a true education in the Western canon. But I also think it's just a good adventure story. :) The allegory is obvious but welcome. My kids have all really enjoyed it and haven't gotten caught up in the nuances of theology. I'm not sure if I'm just missing it all, not being a theologian myself, but I don't see huge, insurmountable theological issues with the book. (With the man, yes, but not with the book.) There are some lines here and there, but my kids haven't really noticed them -- kinda like reading Shakespeare. ;)

      Can you do without PP? Yes, for sure. But I think it would be a shame to miss for the theological bits. This is a book you have to discern for your own family but we have found it very worthwhile.

    2. Celeste, your response is so helpful. Thank you so much!!

    3. I have struggled with this as well because my kids respond so well to allegories! I hesitate because there is so much wealth in our Catholic faith that it seems weird that we wouldn't have something beautiful to replace Pilgrim's Progress with. I JUST found the allegory "The Voyage of Pax" and will be reading it with the kids this advent. You can find it online free if you are interested. With that and the "King of the Golden City", we might be set. But, I would like to pre-read Dangerous Journey- esp if you Celeste think it is worthy!

    4. Obviously we have read King of the Golden City, but not The Voyage of Pax -- I'll check that out! Thanks, Katie!

  3. Hi celeste, coming in late again this month! Love the photos here. X
