
Thursday, October 31, 2013

What We're Reading

Anthony Esolen's Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child (almost done!)
Aldous Huxley's Brave New World (recently discussed at AO - one of those classics I missed in school)
Charlotte Mason's Home Education series (always!)

With the children:
The Wizard of Oz, on audiobook, read by Brooke Shields (I was a little unsure how her version would be, but a couple chapters in and we were hooked by her voices!)

Gianna, age 7:
Eleanor Estes' Pinky Pye (finished with a satisfied sigh the other day, "Oh Mommy, he is such a remarkable cat, isn't he?!)
Eleanor Estes' Miranda the Great (her favorite Estes so far!)
Mike Venezia's Mozart and Vermeer (to go along with this term's composer and artist)
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew (a constant re-read these days after she finished the rest of the series on Kindle)

Vincent, age 7:
Melissa Wiley's The Prairie Thief (recently enjoyed by both my bigs)
My Nature Friend magazines (he just loves these)
Windeatt's St. Pauline Jaricot (his Sunday reading)
Jean Fritz's Brendan the Navigator

To the littles:
Museum ABC and anything-and-everything Curious George (4yo Cate's current favorites)
Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? (2yo Bridget's current favorite - I've never liked it as much as the original, but she certainly does!)

...and a funny sidenote: 3yo Xavier's current favorite?  Virginia Lee Burton's The Little House.  And the part he loves best?

When all the trucks arrive, plow a road through the hill of daisies, and build up the subway and elevated train, leaving the little house neglected amidst the tenements, missing the apple trees, sunshine, and seasons in the country.  I mean, really: Trains!  Trucks!  Subways and steam shovels and cranes and road rollers!  A toddler boy's dream.  I don't think the urbanization of the poor little house has quite the effect on him that Burton expected. ;)

And we always seem to have plenty of books arriving in the mail...
This week we had a particularly packed box arrive in the mail--a big package of used books, with lots and lots of goodies.  Some of these are for school this year (Opal Wheeler!), some are hardcover copies of old favorites (more Burton!), and the rest will be tucked away for the children's Christmas gifts this year.

From top to bottom:
Opal Wheeler's biographies for Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven
These are Our People (vintage Catholic reader)
stack of Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Books (to add to our growing collection)
Arnold Lobel's Small Pig (one of my favorites for new readers)
Burton's Katy and the Big Snow
Beauty and the Beast, illustrated by Michael Hague
Dick Whittington and His Cat (one of Vincent's favorite chapters from 50 Famous Stories last year - he'll be thrilled to see this version)
Marianna Meyer's Legendary Creatures of Myth and Magic (for my fairy tale-loving daughter)
d'Aulaires' Abraham Lincoln (nice to have our own copy instead of using the library's)
Enid Blyton's Bedtime Bookshelf
a couple My First Little House books to add to our collection (perpetual favorite of ALL the littles)

And not pictured: I finally found our own copy of The King of the Golden City for a deal.  I think I'll keep it aside as a treat for the First Sunday of Advent.

Happy All Hallow's Eve!


  1. What a delicious pile of new-to-you books. Books in the mail always make me happy. Those happen to be the same 3 Opal Wheeler books we have, and I have been reading Pinky Pye aloud to our crew since they loved Ginger Pye so much. And I'm LOL over your 3yo's take on The Little House too. :) I do have to say that is our favorite Virginia Lee Burton story too. :)

    Hmm, now I'm inspired. Perhaps it's time I did another what we're reading post for my blog too....

    1. If you do, I really hope you'll send me a link or post it here--it sounds like we have similar taste in books! :)

    2. I did do it is! :)

    3. Great, Jen--thanks for the link! Off to check it out now...

  2. I just discovered your blog through Pinterest and can I say, I LOVE IT! I have been interested in CM homschooling for awhile now, (my oldest only being 4) and you have truly inspired me. Keep writing because I will always be your reader! Also, my parents grew up in San Jose and I have three siblings there now - I love the bay area! Ok, gotta run - nap time just ended. God bless!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comment, Sarah! I'm glad to hear you'll stick around! Like you, I was reading about CM homeschooling long before my oldest was school age (to be honest, before my oldest was even born! LOL). Best wishes to you and yours!
