
Thursday, December 19, 2013

{In a Week}

A slightly chattier {In a Week} than usual here...

Despite baby having a cold (she's on the mend now!), we've had quite a lot going on.  We're still schooling through the end of this week, so in addition to our regular school work, we've been fitting in some Advent preparations.  And some Christmas crafting--but I'll have to wait to show that here until surprises have been revealed here at home. ;)

First, a breakfast tea for St. Lucy's day:

What's that you say?  The traditional treat for St. Lucy's feast is not Starbucks-style cranberry bliss bars?  Whoops!  Well, I kept seeing pictures online of the traditional feast day breads drizzled with frosting and sprinkled with dried cranberries...and I started to get a craving.  I have to say, they're much tastier than any St. Lucy's bread I've tried, and no one seemed to mind. ;)  The rest of the day included a backyard scavenger hunt for signs of winter and a trip around town to look at Christmas lights that evening, with hot cider in hand.  Maybe it's just me, but I love when special feast days fall on Fridays.  I feel so much more on my game for some reason when it's the end of the week.

On to the rest of the week:

solemn high mass for guadete sunday, at a new location for our TLM community -
they had a beautiful nativity set up in back

connect four - their st. nicholas gift :)

their growing cast of wizard of oz characters -
they're determined to make them all after listening to the audiobook last month

a certain preschooler here started reading this week!

the Golden Nights have begun!

Wishing you a blessed last week of Advent!

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