
Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome Back!

I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year!  I hope your vacation time was as restful as ours was.

Today is the traditional celebration of Epiphany, a first-class feast in the Church and the last day of our vacation.  The children immediately rushed to the nativities when they woke up this morning to make sure that the Three Kings had arrived at each one.  I have a quiet day planned reading some favorite books, enjoying some treats, and doing our annual house blessing.  

And then tomorrow we're back to business as usual!  We have three weeks left in our second term, and then we'll have exams and start our final term in early February.  The year is flying by!  And I need to carve some time out to write exams and plan Term 3...

Before that, though, as we're starting a new year, I'm doing a bit of housekeeping: I just added a Facebook page for Joyous Lessons for those who prefer to follow blogs that way (and it seems there are quite a lot who do).

So if you're interested in updates when they're available, you can choose to subscribe in several different ways:

:: via email (just sign up on my left sidebar and all posts will be delivered directly to your email)
:: via your favorite RSS reader (I like Feedly personally, but I know there are many others to choose from--you can input "Joyous Lessons" into your search function there and it should pop up, or you can click the RSS link on my left sidebar to get the Atom address)
:: via Facebook (just follow the link on the sidebar or "like" the Joyous Lessons page to subscribe--and then "follow" if you want to be sure you'll see updates in your newsfeed)
:: via Blogger (just "add" Joyous Lessons to your "Reading List" on the Blogger dashboard to follow)

However you join me, thanks for reading along. :)  I'll be back tomorrow to share our nature study outing from last week.  See you then! 

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