
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesdays with Words :: The Hidden Life

More words from Mother Mary Loyola's First Communion this morning:
Oh, is not the Hidden Life wonderful; in one sense the most wonderful part of the Three-and-Thirty Years!  The Infancy is wonderful; the Passion is wonderful.  But there were miracles in Bethlehem and miracles on Calvary.  There were angels singing "Glory Be to God" when He was born; there were shepherds coming to adore Him, and holy Simeon and Anna, and the Magi from the East.  And at His Death the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent, and the earth quaked and  the dead arose.  His own world spoke for Him and proclaimed Him to be its Creator.  But what was there at Nazareth?  There He was the Hidden God indeed, and that for Thirty Years. (156)
I'm sharing from this book again because I found this week's chapter, "Nazareth Again," so very inspiring.  These sections on Nazareth are meant to strengthen our resolve as we go about our own ordinary, hidden daily lives, and for that reason, they have been particularly relevant to my own vocation as a stay-at-home mother.  For example, shortly before this, she makes the point that we know only two things surely of the Young Jesus' life at Nazareth after the Finding in the Temple: that he was "subject to them" and that he "advanced in wisdom and grace and age with God and man."  From this, and considering that his "ordinary" years were given to us as an example rather than as an efficacious miracle in themselves, we can learn from them what should be the two prime motives of our own hidden lives: willing submission in humility and the constant work toward spiritual growth.  And on she goes.  If I could only put into practice the lessons from His days at Nazareth, what kind of blessing could I be to my home?

So much to think about here, and these chapters have come at the perfect time, as I start to consider how Lent will look this year in our own little domestic church--it's just a month away!


  1. Yesterday I was looking at a liturgical calendar and was struck by just how much "ordinary time" there is. Although not exactly the same thing as Christ's hidden life - I think it speaks the same message. Much of our life is lived in "ordinary time" and if we live it as if the beginning, end and high moments in between are the most important things then we will miss the blessings of the everyday. I also heard a speaker recently talk about how Jesus honored work and home life by living that hidden life for so many years - do we dare dishonor it?

    1. Yes, that's just what I found so helpful about these chapters, Pilgrim! Lovely thoughts. I had never thought much about the hidden years of Our Lord's life, and Mother Mary Loyola has given me a wonderful perspective on Nazareth that I don't think I'll ever forget. My children have really been struck by it too.

  2. Interesting, The ordinary is what I've written on this week.

  3. So much in those two short commentaries-"He was subject to them" and "He grew in wisdom and knowledge..."
