
Monday, April 28, 2014

What We're Reading :: Easter Edition

So it's a big week in our household!  Not only am I just two weeks from my due date, not only have we reached the end of the Easter octave, but it's Exam Week for Term 3 here as well.  Yep, that means we're on to "summer break" next week, just in time for me to get our records in order from Year 2 before baby makes his arrival.  To be honest, I haven't had much free time for reading lately.  BUT there has been plenty of book busy-ness here too despite everything else that's going on...

Elizabeth Goudge's Green Dolphin Street (half-way through, and it's wonderful so far--let's see if I can finish it before baby arrives!)
Laurie Bestvater's The Living Page (just finished and working on a blog post on that monster last chapter, which I just loved)
...and do to-do lists count?

With the children:
Edward Eager's Half-Magic, on audiobook (almost finished--this was the perfect follow-up to Nesbit's psamyad!)
Howard Pyle's Robin Hood, read by David Thorn via Audible (the children are enchanted--we'll be continuing this one over our break for sure)

Gianna, age 7:
Henry's Misty of Chincoteague (happily rediscovered after being lost somewhere in our chapter book shelves)
The Bobbsey Twins series (she discovered my mother's childhood collection and is devouring them one by one)
Heffernan's Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto (her Sunday reading)

Vincent, age 7:
Nesbit's The Book of Dragons
Spyri's Gritli's Children (from the author of Heidi)
Mayer's Legendary Creatures of Myth and Magic (an Easter gift, much pored over)
Tarry's St. Katharine Drexel (his Sunday reading)

To the littles:
My Prayer Book for Children and Anne Mortimer's The Owl and the Pussycat (5yo Cate's current favorites)
Sendak's Nutshell Library collection (4yo Xavier's current favorite, a gift from dear Angela)
Rosemary Wells' The Itsy-Bitsy Spider (1yo Clara's current favorite)

And 2yo Bridget's favorites: anything-and-everything Eloise Wilkin and Aliki's Welcome, Little Baby.  Sometimes I literally find her off "reading" in the corner, turning the pages slowly and kissing the babies on each one!  The sweetest.

And to celebrate:
A few finds at the used bookstore made their way into my younger son's birthday gifts as well as each of the kids' Easter baskets this year...

Every single one was a hit!

What are you reading?  I'd love to know!


  1. I think to-do lists count! :-) They may not contribute all that much to Mother Culture, but they certainly contribute to Mother Sanity.

    Less than two weeks until your due date, how exciting. I hope you are successful in getting accomplished the most important items from your lists at least. And congratulations on the close of Term 3 and the school year. Your book stack looks inviting and enjoyable, and I love seeing what everyone is reading. Maybe I'll take a stab at doing a post like this too. I always enjoy reading other people's posts about what they are reading.

    (BTW, I don't know if you know this, but Jen has had to cancel the Living Page discussion. She hasn't put up the announcement yet, but she's reworked her Living Page posts into more general notebook pages - I'm leaving my posts up at this point, but I've decided not to write any further ones)

    1. Oh, please do share what you guys are reading at some point! I get almost all my book suggestions from other homeschooling bloggers these days. :)

      And no, I had no idea about the discussion. Thank you for telling me! How strange. I suppose I'll adjust my prior posts on the book to at least remove the link-up information. I have a blog post started already on the last chapter, so I'll have to think what to do about that...
