
Friday, May 16, 2014

{In a Week}

What we have been up to this week...

coloring before breakfast
lovingly caring for dolly--ready to be a big sister once again!
four little dears
making a banner from felt beads for their bedroom--so festive!
books, books, and more books
another art sale at the grandparents' -- a bargain at five cents each!
spring wildflowers
horehound in the field...
...and in my daughter's journal

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lovely week! That picture of your daughter holding the doll fooled me for a moment... I thought you might be slipping in a birth announcement. :-)

    Your daughter's nature journal sketch in that last photo is wonderful! What a great attention to detail.

    I hope you are doing well, you are in my prayers!
