
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring :: Arts and Crafts

More Lenten blooms around town this week!  Spring is finally officially here, and I have Easter preparations on my mind now that we have entered Passiontide.

I usually plan some arts and crafts as part of our Easter octave celebration.  My kids love art projects, so it's great fun for them!  I do try to choose projects that will either provide genuinely lovely decorations for our home through the Easter season or serve as Mother's Day or Father's Day gifts for the grandparents. (I like to be prepared!)  

I have a terrible habit of sharing after our project is finished and it's too late for others to join in, so this time around, I'm sharing some projects I have bookmarked in advance.  These would be fun to do during Spring Break or the Easter Octave, and a few of them could nicely segue into genuine CM-friendly handicrafts.

So, just a few projects I've Evernoted (totally a word!) with Easter in mind:

Lovely Lacy "Ceramics" (we've used air-dry clay in the past with good results)
Handstitched Hearts (a bit valentinesy, but these colors invoke spring to me)
Paper Flowers (always fun!)
and More Paper Flowers (we've done tissue paper flowers before, but these are much more lovely)
Stained Glass Flowers (stunning!  I ordered the materials, but I doubt they'll arrive in time, so this may be a summer project for us)
Botanical Letters (my girls will love this, especially for the connection to illuminated manuscripts)

I'll share a few other ideas that we have done in the past (as well as which of the above crafts we get to this year!) when Easter is here.  And if you do any of these projects, let me know!  

Wishing you a blessed Passiontide--and first week of spring!  

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