
Monday, June 29, 2015

{This and That}

Happy Monday!  We have one week left until school starts, and although not everything is ready, I'm finally at that point where I think it will be.  The first week's schedule sheet is printed, artist and composer selections are chosen, books are organized on the shelves, and I even have my kindergartener's box ready to go...

This coming week, I'll be printing out our first memory work selections, considering some plans for a "weekly meeting" with the Big Kids and a "weekly planning time" for me, and getting our Italian materials in order (that last one takes the longest).

My main consideration right now is how I'm going to fit it all in, but I think that will just take trial and error, so I'm not counting on getting that all squared away before school begins.  A few weeks along, I'm hoping we'll be settled into a new routine and then I'll share all about our plans here.  So for those asking: expect a report on that at the end of July. :)


Speaking of the new school year, did you know that AO's volunteers have made available handy bookmark schedules for the books in Form I and II?

They're over on the forums' Resources section to download and print.  I love these!  They are particularly great for my independent readers, who can then just look at the bookmark and know what to read each week.


Last week I mentioned my commitment to help Gianna make pasta salad for dinner once a week all summer as part of her cooking classes with me.  We started with one of our family favorites--you can get a peek over on Facebook!


In case you're looking for some reading to keep you busy:

Shakespeare and the Decline of America
Identification, Please
Why Startups Love Moleskins
Why So Poky?

And because I have been researching CM-style dictation and grammar in preparation for starting both for the first time next week (and maybe you are too?), here's a round-up of some of my favorite posts on the topic:

A detailed series on CM language arts from The Common Room
Considered Language Arts free pdf from Wildflowers and Marbles
brief Language Arts scope and sequence from Ambleside Online
What Exactly is Language Arts? series from Simply Charlotte Mason
The Power of Dictation series from Simply Charlotte Mason


We did get a jump start on school last week and started our first Shakespeare play of the year during the babies' naptime.  I had planned to begin with Midsummer Night's Dream, but then I noticed a local production of Much Ado About Nothing in a couple months and decided to start there instead.  They just read the Lambs' version in the spring, so we dug right into the real thing so we can finish it up before attending the live show.

I pulled out a few assorted copies so we could all follow along in the text while listening to the Arkangel Shakespeare audio recording.  The Arkangel collection is pricey but oh so good.  I'm borrowing them from the library for now, but we might need to splurge for copies of our own at some point because they're just wonderful.


Last but not least, have you checked out Keeping Company yet this month?  I know a lot of you are looking at how you're going to fit Keeping into your schedules for this upcoming school year, and this link-up is great because it shows how a variety of families are doing just that.  Different ages, different kinds of notebooks--it's all there!

(And for you bloggers: there's still plenty more time to join in.  Have you added your Keeping posts?)


Coming later this week: a peek at our elementary binder (by popular request!) and some more nature study at the beach if I can get my school plans wrapped up before the long weekend. :)


  1. How to fit it all in, trial and error, YES. That's pretty much my exact thoughts on the matter. I have a plan, but we will see. The 2 year old is in major mischief making mode right now, therefore requiring much of my attention. My previous 2 year old never entered this mode, although the one before her sure did. But I had forgotten how time consuming it is. And messy!

    I did not know about the bookmarks. Going to use MHLW for sure! That will be extremely helpful. Thank you for pointing those out.

    I loved The Common Room's series on LA as well as the pdf from Wildflowers and Marbles. Both very helpful in fleshing it all out. I had bookmarked Wildflowers and Marbles back when my oldest was younger. So glad DHM started her series over this spring and summer. I enjoy her wit as well as her practicality. Those two series together are the best I've seen for explaining Charlotte Mason's LA.

    How are you feeling? Baby doing well? It's nice that you can get a couple terms under your belt before he arrives. Hopefully work out most of the kinks before "living in the land of tired" begins. We always took a babymoon after a new little one. Everyone was so distracted with loving on the new baby to get much done anyway. Laundry, food, keeping up with readings was about all we managed for a month. I've never regretted that; those moments are too precious to not focus on fully!

    1. Thanks so much for asking, Virginia Lee--I am feeling great and baby is moving like crazy! :) I usually don't take *too* much formal time off after a new baby, mostly because I'm trapped on the sofa anyway and feel like I might as well read aloud while I'm sitting there. :) But we do put non-reading and non-independent subjects on hold for at least a few weeks to enjoy that precious time. But who knows what our fall will look like this time around! I feel like each arrival is slightly different from the rest--just different enough to keep me on my toes! ;)

      And yes, I am just soaking up all the reading I have been doing on dictation, grammar, and written narration, hoping I can get a CM-style game plan in place before Monday comes!

  2. Thanks for sharing these morsels.
    I had no idea about the bookmark schedules! I quickly went over and downloaded those. So cool!
    From those articles you linked, I was reminded of that book I read awhile back "How Shakespeare Saved My Life: Ten Years in Solitary with the Bard". Shakespeare speaks to people in all walks of life. Really amazing.
    And even though there are many things I love about the digital world, I have to agree with Allen when he says "The digital world provides a lot of opportunity to waste a lot of time". I sure tend to do this, although I strive NOT to. Sigh...
    I look forward to perusing the dictation & grammar links as well as I gear up for Year 4 later in the fall.
    Thanks again and I hope your first week in your new year goes well!

    1. Thank you, Kristyn! I watched a documentary on a topic similar to that of the book you mentioned--it had to do with Shakespeare being performed in prison and the effects being involved in those productions had on the inmates. So fascinating. But I have a feeling CM wouldn't be surprised. ;)

  3. Thanks for all the wonderful links, Celeste. I especially the Simply Charlotte Mason website and having been reading (and taking notes on) the dictation series. Looking forward to your report in July. :)
    Even though we won't begin the new school year until August, the excitement is already building around here, and next year's books are on the way! :)

    1. I have been taking notes on all of these series too, trying to get together a game plan for the language arts we'll have going on this year. I have also been looking at the topic on the Higher Up Further In website, which has some nice posts on dictation I just stumbled on last night. Check it out if you're interested in more reading!

      Love having books on the way--enjoy your delivery! :)

  4. Celeste, you are superwoman. I always love your blog and how organized you are. You always give me so much inspiration for our homeschool and my planning. I am in planning mode too although we will not be starting until September as our sweet (second!) girly will be making her appearance soon. My goal is to get all my planning done and have everything ready to go before she comes. I have to hurry! :)

    1. Oh, thank you, Lauren! I hope I don't seem *too* superwomanish here because I certainly have my share of weaknesses! LOL Wishing you so many blessings on this planning time as you prepare for another sweet baby girl! The timing sounds like it is going to be perfect. :)

  5. I'm trying to finish up the little bit of planning that is left. I felt like I hit a wall so I'm trying to take a few days off from it. The hard stuff has been saved for the end, of course! Hopefully I'll start it Thursday and finish up quickly and then put it away for a couple of weeks before we start. There will definitely be some trial and error on the daily schedule! I feel like my 14 yo is overbooked! I will just have to see on that one. I think my youngest has time to spare. I love seeing your weekly schedule sheet . . . . I always wonder if that would be a better route than what we are doing. Maybe I will give it a try.

    1. Yes, hard stuff saved for the end here too, Cassie. ;) The hardest for me, for whatever reason, is getting our Italian plans ready--I have been procrastinating on that since we finished school in spring, but luckily I work pretty well under pressure, so I'm thinking it will be a long-weekend task. :) I have the same concern you do, that I'm overbooking my two oldest, but it's hard to know until we actually try it. I *think* it's just that since Year 4 is a bit more beefed up than prior years, it *seems* like a lot to me but will actually work out just fine. But we'll see! And we have used that weekly schedule sheet for a couple years now and I still love it. I've got a version now that includes both Year 4 and Year 1 and am looking forward to trying it out next week!

  6. Thanks for those links about Language Arts. I'm still trying to totally grasp how to teach writing through narration and these are very helpful. I bookmarked them for future use.

    1. You and me both, Melanie! I'm finding that the more I read about it, the more I see how connected all the methods are and how well they fit CM's principles. It's amazing! I can't wait to see it in action around here. :)

  7. Hi Celeste! I have been searching for a penmanship board like the one in your Kindergarten basket. Where did you purchase yours? Blessings on your new year

    1. Also thank you SO much for linking to the bookmarks! Those will be a huge blessing!

    2. I actually got that little chalkboard at a garage sale (I actually snatched up a few!), but I believe teacher supply stores carry them too. Here are a couple places I found them as "ruled chalkboards":

      Hope you find one that works for you! And yes, those bookmarks are great, aren't they? I'm so happy the creators shared them because it definitely saved me a lot of work! :)

    3. Thank you for your research, Celeste! I searched, but wasn't sure what they were called.
