
Monday, August 10, 2015

Keeping Company :: August Link-Up

Welcome to the Keeping Company link-up for August!

I hope those of you starting school this month are feeling ready and refreshed, those of you still planning are feeling inspired, and those of you who are already deep into your term (like us!) are feeling settled and joyful.

And most of all, I wish all of you the very best in your Keeping habits this coming school year!  (Because that's what we do here, right? :))

A few favorites this month's #KeepingCompanyCM shares on Instagram:

left to right - obispo98 - msjschole - vlcjrogers


:: For bloggers: You should see the linky below.  Click on the "Add my link" button, and it will prompt you to include the information for your post.  Once you submit it, your link will be added to the list, and others will be able to click over and read what you have shared.

:: For Instagrammers: Tag related photos with #KeepingCompanyCM to join the link-up.  (You can also add individual Instagram photos via the linky if you prefer.)


:: Remember to link to a specific post and not to the homepage of your blog.  

:: Any posts about CM-style Keeping are welcome!  The prompt is optional.  Your post can be as simple as a photo of your commonplace book.  And please don't feel like you have to be an expert.  We are all looking to grow in these habits together. :)

:: Feel free to add more than one post.  The link-up will be open for a month, so you can come back and add more if you are so inclined.

:: You can grab the button over there on the sidebar if you'd like to add it to your post or site.

Looking forward to reading about the Keeping going on in your homes this month.  Thanks in advance for participating!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Celeste, hope you are all well. Thanks again for the link up. X
