
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What We're Reading :: August

(I finally signed up for Amazon Affiliates.  The links below are affiliate links, and as such, if you purchase through one of the links, I will get a small percentage of the sale.  I'm choosing not to add links for books scheduled by AmblesideOnline because I'd much rather you purchase those through AO's affiliate links instead, which can be accessed on each year's booklist.)

Berry's Jayber Crow (on my list since reading Hannah Coulter last year)
C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters (in bits here and there)
short stories from Flannery O'Connor (for our local book club)
Charlotte Mason's Volume 6 and Susan Schaeffer Macaulay's For the Children's Sake (for our CM study group using Brandy's Start Here)

To the Big Kids
Trevor's Sun Slower, Sun Faster (finishing up from summer during Morning Basket time)
Speare's The Sign of the Beaver (our new read-aloud--I remember reading this one as a kid)

Vincent, age 9
Ince's St. Thomas More of London (a re-read of one of our scheduled saints' lives for Year 3)

Gianna, age 8
Cooper Edens' Princess Stories (she has scheduled this one out for herself, a chapter a week--ha!)
Margery Sharp's The Rescuers (from the AO Year 4 extra free reads list)
Streatfeild's Theater Shoes (also from the AO list, and just finished!)

To the Middles (Cate, age 6, and Xavier, age 5)
AA Milne's House on Pooh Corner
McCloskey's Make Way for Ducklings and One Morning in Maine
For this week's reading lessons: Stevenson's "At the Sea Side" (for Cate) and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" (for Xave)
On audio: Little House on the Prairie read by Cherry Jones

To the Littles
Cooper Eden's Glorious Mother Goose (3yo Bridget's current favorite--and one of mine too!)
The Farm Book (2yo Clara's current favorite--fyi, it looks like the barn-shaped version is no longer in print, and that is the real charm of this book. so sad!)

From the thrift store and in the mailbox
I picked up the top half of this pile at the thrift store and grabbed the bottom half from an online seller:

I also got a thick stack of used Yesterday's Classics (Pierson's Among the Series and a couple of the Andrews' Seven Little Sisters books) that went right on to the free reading shelf and are being happily picked through by my bigs.  I plan to work a couple into Cate and Xave's read-aloud time later this year...

What have you been reading lately?


  1. Yay! Considering how many books I've bought from your recommendations, I foresee some $$$ coming your way ;-) So glad you finally did this. to search under the couch cushions so I can go book shopping...

    1. LOL, thanks, Sarah! I don't have any plans to advertise on the blog at all, but this seemed kinda like a no-brainer since I am always pushing my favorite books and things on people anyway. ;)

  2. Awesome!! I love your booklists!!❤️ Are you doing Well Read Mom?

    1. Yes, we are! I did it last year with a local group, but I think this year we're pulling from an old Well-Read Mom list from a couple years ago rather than the current schedule. I love the accountability because it keeps me reading great books. :) Do you have a group there too?

  3. I always love these lists. I just read That Distant Land, the first collection of Wendell Berry's short stories about Port William. I didn't realize until I'd finished it that there were SO many novels, I think I read that the more recent short story collection is the tenth book about Port William. Can't wait to get started on the novels now!

    1. I know--you can stay lost in Port William for quite a lot of great reading days with all that he has written! It is one of those fictional places that really comes alive through his writing.
