
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Keeping Company :: October Invitation

Hello, friends, and welcome to October!  Popping in to invite you once again to our monthly link-up for all Charlotte Mason-style notebooking.  As always, thanks so much to those of you who have contributed to our September collection!  And if you haven't yet, what are you waiting for? ;)

Monthly Feature

Last month, I asked about notebooks other than the "Big Three," and several of you shared some rich and fun student-led options that have served as fodder for my own creative planning...

Kristyn and Carol both shared their children's foreign language notebooks, one with younger students learning Spanish and one with older students learning French .

Spanish notebook from Beraca Valley Academy
French notebook from Journey and Destination

Speaking of foreign languages, the students at My Peace in the Puzzle have been busy with a creative approach to note-booking word roots.

Roots notebook from My Peace in the Puzzle

And for a look at how a student's passion can drive his Keeping, check out Barbara's son's World War I notebook.  It's brilliant work and just the kind of project I love to see spring from my own kids' interests!

WWI notebook from Maria Magdalena Academy

This Month's Optional Prompt

The change in seasons always makes me feel a bit introspective, so I thought I'd ask a more contemplative set of question this month for this so inclined.

What part of Keeping do you find the biggest challenge--either personally or in encouraging Keeping habits in your children?  What part do you find the most enjoyable?  And further, for those that have been Keeping for a while now: what is the biggest benefit you have found to your Keeping over the years?  What has been the hardest habit to form or maintain long-term?

I'll be back here next Tuesday, October 13th, to post this month's link-up.  Until then, feel free to add your posts on any Charlotte Mason-style notebooking topic to the September page!


  1. Love the WWII drawings! :) Good questions for this month, Celeste! :) You've got me thinking about this one.

    1. Weren't the drawings fantastic? So sweet--and the passion just showed through. :)

  2. Such a variety. I really enjoy seeing & learning from all these different aspects of Keeping. Thanks again, Celeste.

    1. Thanks for participating, Carol! I always like seeing what your family is up to.
