
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Nature Study Outing :: A Tale of Two Hikes

As I've mentioned before, I am thankful for our nature study group, not only because it includes a BIG group of enthusiastic kids of various ages and interests, but also because it includes a group of eager and thoughtful moms.

Our usual schedule is a Friday morning group nature outing together.  But one week, we decided to go back the next morning to the same spot and do a moms-only hike!  It was so much fun to explore without the kids around.

This outing was at a county park that begins at a field and ventures up into the foothills on a 4-mile loop that circles back down to the field at the end.  With the kids, we made it an out-and-back of about a mile, with lots of stops for climbing and exploring.  With the moms, we did the whole loop...with lots of stops for climbing and exploring. ;)

Friday morning, with the kids:

xavier said, "it's the tree in the trail!!" :)

a very moody-weather day: cold, windy, alternating between bright and dark

vetch leaves -- no flowers yet

part of the group


And from the moms' hike, early the next morning in the same county park:

the first miner's lettce blooms!

taken by my friend Malgosia

taken by my friend Malgosia
love these ladies <3
The star of both outings was the fungi, which were present in all kinds of awesome forms and made their way into my nature journal...

Once the nearly-incessant rain clears, I'm going to put out the call for another moms' hike -- I think we need to make it at least a quarterly event.  If you haven't done one with your group yet, give it a try!


  1. What a beautiful place for a walk and a hike!! The morning light peeking through is just lovely.

    1. The moms' group went early and it was so lovely out. :)

  2. This hike looks absolutely wonderful. It must be quite an accomplishment for you to get out by yourself for the morning, with so many young ones at home!

    1. I have my husband to thank for my mental health! :) He is great about encouraging me to get out while he handles the kids. I have had most Saturday mornings to myself for the past seven years, when I started doing a long run on Saturdays. That has kept up all these years! So I can do a run (or a hike, like the week I'm sharing here) and then errands or something else if needed. It is the secret to my success! LOL

    2. What a treasure your husband is! I have often wondered how you can do so much and not seem to get tired, but having Saturday mornings free to yourself to run or hike would do wonders I imagine. Good for you! :)

  3. Absolutely stunning pics. The day itself sounded wonderful, but paired with these images make it seem divine.

  4. Agh! Can't believe I missed both of these hikes. Your nature journal is amazing. I'm so impressed. We need to do another momma hike!

    1. We will totally do it again. As soon as the soggy landscape dries out a tad, let's set it up!

  5. Lovely photos Celeste & what a great idea to do a mum's hike, especially the day after when you can catch up on what you may have missed the first time.

  6. I *love* the idea of a moms' hike! Thank you so much for sharing. Is that A. V. on the left? It looks like you all had a great time.

    1. No, unfortunately not Amber -- she is too far to join our group for a hike, but boy, wouldn't that be fun! :) I hope you give a hike with friends a try. We're planning our next one now. :)
