
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Nature Study Outing :: Early Summer in the Bay Area

After one week resigned to "backyard nature study" and the same on the schedule for this week also thanks to our babymoon, I'm thinking back to some of our nature study adventures over the past two months.

Ever wondered what California looks like in May and June?  Here ya go!  Four different landscapes, each visited multiple times, with pictures telling the story...

At the creek --

At the ranch (well, two different ranches-turned-county-parks, one on each side of the foothills) --

farewell-to-spring clarkia + yarrow

dove mullein + a tiny scarlet pimpernel

At the pond --

owl's clover

mariposa lily


At the beach --

above: thrift + red clover
beach aster

lizard tail

sand verbena

above: sea rocket + tree lupine
coastal sagebrush

beach primrose


  1. Beautiful!!! Love seeing the flowers and everything because of being in such a different part of the country. Thanks!

  2. So much beauty in your area! And I love seeing pics with your kiddos. =)
