Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cate's First Grade :: Exams, Term 3

Once again, I prepared a lighter load of questions for my Year 1 student, and my kindergartener joined in for a few...

(You can see previous exams here, and the wonderful exams from the AO site are here--all years and terms available!)

History and Geography
What do you know of Harald as a little boy? Tell everything you can think of.
Name something Paddle passed as he traveled through the Great Lakes.
Draw the shape of California.
Tell a story about King Alfred.

Paddle to the Sea was on the last part of his trip. He was floating on the water when he saw three men.  Two of them men were looking at him, and one was the boy Indian.  He said "There's Paddle to the Sea, and I made him." Paddle to the Sea was now four years old, and he was sailing away. The Indian boy went on a boat and started sailing away, and he was trying to say goodbye to Paddle to the Sea but he slipped away too fast.  The men were on boards on the water so they wouldn't drown because the water was very deep over there...a wharf!  That's what it's called--they were standing on a wharf.  Paddle went far over the sea after that.

Tell one of Aesop's Fables.
Tell part of a "Just So Story."
Describe a scene from The Winter's Tale.

What was your favorite poem by AA Milne that we read this term, and why?
Illustrate the poems you have memorized.

Nature Study and Science
Draw something we saw at the aquarium.
Draw one new wildflower we identified this term.
Tell me some differences between the loon and the Canada goose.
What do you remember about Hummer?

There was a rabbit whose name was Peter, and he was going to have some friends fly over to him. They had to watch out for the men that might shoot them for food. It was snowing, and Peter had no friends because the birds went to keep warm. Then he heard some honking noises and he knew it was Honker the Goose. So he went and the gooses told him to wait by the Sandy Bar because that was where they were flying to and that's where they always met Peter.  They sat down and started talking. "Was it long?" asked Peter. "Yes, it was very long and we still have a very long way to go."  These two birds liked the snow and they were Peter's friends. The Canada goose lives in the water and the ground and the loon lives inside the water. The loon has very short legs and looks like it walks on its bottom. The other differences from the loon to the goose is that the goose is black and brown and the loon is black and white.

two-toned tidy tips, by cate
sea otters at the aquarium, by xavier

Copy these sentences in your best hand.  Then read it aloud to me.

For her religion exam, she had her meeting with Father regarding her catechism to assess her readiness for Holy Communion.  (She passed! ;))

Reading Skill
Read a couple pages from one of your Flicka Ricka Dicka books aloud.  Then tell me about it in your own words.

Memory Work
Recite a selection from this term in the following categories: hymn, folk song, poetry, Bible, Shakespeare.

Tell me about your day in Italian.

Fine Arts
Choose a picture from My Nature Friend to copy.
Make a rough color sketch of one of Waterhouse's paintings.  Describe it to me.
Play your latest recital song from memory.
Fold a origami butterfly for our spring windows.

wood duck, by cate

Coming up tomorrow: a round-up of this past year before I move on to sharing our summer plans!

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