Friday, March 29, 2019

Nature Study Outing :: First Signs of Spring

It is officially spring and feeling quite spring-like here!

We have had some great fungal finds lately! This one, which we think is some kind of Amanita, had the most interesting cap as well as a basal bulb.

And the kids in the group identified this one right away, thanks to John Muir Laws great set of California field guides. It was a perfect match!

The first wildflowers of the season are always a joy. So much hope in such little petals.

And the promise of many more on the way. I almost love the leaves as much as I do the blooms.

We have also been enjoying some legged friends. Last week at the trail we got to watch a couple dozen turkeys, including some very determined toms. No great photos, but I did get a nice shot of their tracks! Their footprints are probably six inches long.

And this guy was out on the little road with a few friends, rooting as happily as can be. You just never know what you'll see at Nature Club! :)


  1. Impressive! I am always amazed at the variety of things the you see on the nature outings!
    What is that last photo; a wild pig?

    Take care

    1. Hi Antonia,

      We have boars here, but this seemed to be a domesticated one that escaped? It was somewhat near some farmhouses, but on a tough stretch of road with little shoulder. I really don't know how it got there. It was big and shaggy and rooting around, taking no notice of us at all! LOL
