Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Keeping Company :: September

Hello!  I hope your September is off to a lovely start.  Are you ready to chat about CM-style notebooks as we kick off a new school year?  Or are you at least ready to read about how others are doing so? ;)  Read on through for lots of inspiration...

happening here: tree in the trail mapping



Starting the Discussion

I think pretty much everyone is back to lessons, so today I'm going to ask: how are you handling Keeping for the new school year?  Do you have a schedule for yourself and/or for your kids, or do you try to just live out a Keeping lifestyle and let your practices flow from there?  Are you finding inspiration in particular places as you plan your year's notebooks?  Are you trying something new?  Staying the course with habits already built?  Are you getting creative or staying with the tried-and-true?  What does a week of Keeping look like in your homeschool?

We've got a little of everything going on.  We're sticking with our weekly nature journal entry but incorporating more painting and more in-the-field observations this year.  We're all still keeping commonplace books weekly.  My younger kids still have their maps and timelines in their binders, but this year, the Big Kids' maps and century charts are in a History Notebook, which is housing all other sorts of student-chosen bits of information: charts, narrations, timelines, and such.  It has been both fun and valuable so far, and I'll be sharing more about that -- and their Science Notebooks -- here on the blog soon.  And this year, I am also keeping maps and century charts alongside them and am having a great time with that.  What are you up to?

This Month's Round-Up

Over on Instagram, #KeepingCompanyCM has been hopping this month, partly because it's back-to-school season and partly because there are just some amazing moms contributing who are inspired and inspiring. Thanks to all of you!  A few of my favorite shares from the past few weeks...

The first couple I pulled because I loved the juxtaposition: mother-son keeping!

from kaypelham - son on left, mom on right

from sarahjokim - son on left, mom on right

I love seeing mamas and students appreciating these lifelong habits together.

And I'm always inspired by the photos Maria tags -- her daughter is doing really lovely work over in Malaysia!

from mariasugiyopranoto -- all by her daughter
Last but not least: look at all the variety in this roundup!

brc_mackenzie - ambervanderpol - stoppingforbutterflies - jennyp0208
sarahjonna - h5manriquez - all.saints.academy - cmnewby
athena_amidstthereeds - theycallmemommy618 - rjnsix - lylyfreshty

And around the blogosphere...

Wattle day, Aussie birds, and some nature poems by Veronica Mason from the ever-wonderful Carol.  (Oh, and Flannery O'Connor too!)

It's Tuesday, but we can all use this reminder from Amy's commonplace book: Monday Ponderings.

Weekly happenings from My Peace in the Puzzle. (I agree with her that autumn at the beach is wonderful.  And take a look at their nature journal entries and that fabulous 1914 edition of Parables from Nature! Swoon.)

And a new-to-me and extra-lovely blog: Meghan at Rubber Meets Road shares how she "closes the book" on each read by adding to her commonplace.  Her process is very similar to mine and I love how she described it.  Go take a read!

And now it's your turn...

The Link-Up

:: For bloggers: Click on the "Add my link" button below, and it will prompt you to include the information for your post.  Once you submit it, your link will be added to the list, and others will be able to click over and read what you have shared.
:: For Instagrammers: Tag related photos with #KeepingCompanyCM to join the link-up.

:: Remember to link to a specific post and not to your blog's homepage. 
:: Any posts about CM-style Keeping are welcome!  The prompt is optional.  Your post can be as simple as a photo of your commonplace book.
:: Feel free to add more than one post.  The link-up will be open for a month, so you can come back and add more if you are so inclined.
:: You can grab the button over there on the sidebar if you'd like to add it to your post or site.

As always, thanks for sharing!


  1. Beautiful stuff over at Instagram! So neat to see what everyone is "keeping"! :)

  2. I meant to comment at the beginning of the month! Love all the Instagram photos. Thanks again for the linkup. X
