Monday, May 20, 2013

What We're Reading

Mantel's Wolf Hall (Almost finished!  I started long ago at Angela's recommendation.  I wish it portrayed St. Thomas More more accurately, but the writing is wonderful and the story compelling. 4/5 stars!)
Clare Walker Leslie's Keeping a Nature Journal  (I'll review this on the blog sometime soon--highly recommended.)
Run Less Run Faster from Runner's World (revisiting this old favorite for inspiration!)
Fr. Matimore's Heroes of God's Church (pre-reading for next year's religion)
Healy's Endangered Minds: Why Children Don't Think and What We Can Do About It
Macaulay's For the Children's Sake (following along with the CM Principles study on the AO Forums)
Charlotte Mason's Home Education series (always!)

With the children:
The Middle Moffat (the second in the series of four--I put the last two on their free reading shelf for later)
Browning's The Pied Piper of Hamelin (one of next year's AO free reading selections)
Fr. Halpin's Children's Retreats (I've mentioned this one before--we're finishing up the little First Communion stories in the back)
Dahl's The Fantastic Mr. Fox  (on audiobook, read by the author--just finished this one)

Gianna, age 6:
Rumer Godden's The Doll's House
Fr. Carbonel's Little Therese (again)
Steele's The Perilous Road (finished this yesterday)
Cole's A Nest for Celeste

Vincent, age almost-7:
Freddy and Simon the Dictator (this series has enchanted the kids all spring)
Bean's Tumtum and Nutmeg 
Burgess' Big Book of Animal Stories (perpetual favorite)
Fr. Brennan's Angel Food series (again)

To the littles:
Lavender's Blue (one of my very favorite nursery rhyme compilations)
All Things Bright and Beautiful (we're currently reading and re-reading two versions)
The Metropolitan Museum's Baby Loves and Boynton's Moo, Baa, La La La (1yo Bridget's current favorites)
Kate Greenaway's Marigold Garden and Beskow's Pelle's New Suit (4yo Cate's current favorites)
Marie Hall Ets' Just Me, Jeffers' Benjamin's Barn, Henkes' Kitten's First Full Moon (3yo Xavier's current favorites)


  1. I'm preparing to start AO Year 1 with my daughter this coming September and have found your blog so helpful! I'll be continuing to follow along! Thank you!
